LMS VT34-4 Inline HP Inkjet System
LMS VT34-4 Inline HP Inkjet System 4" of Print
* Size 34" L x 25" W X 31"- 35" H
* Electrical 110 VAC 10 Amp
* Variable speed vacuum transport
* Heavy Duty Construction
* 39 CFM Vacuum generator
* High traction Perforated center vacuum belt
* Incredibly powerful Ink.jet Software
* X-Pandable allowing users to add print capacity in the field
* Supports most bar codes such as 2D, Data Matrix, Integrated IMB (Intelligent Mail Barcode).
* Prints all True Type fonts
* Windows down loadable fonts
* Incredible Image control. Allows rotation and angling of images and stitching of .bmp graphic images.
* Print resolution 150, 200, 300, Max 600 dpi
* Speed is resolution linked for maximum productivity.
* Software allows shaving of barcodes.
* System is serviceable
* Highest print quality and speed offered today in HP Technology.
* Newest version HP technology and software
* Sort/Tray break capability
* Look up capability
Warranty: LMS VT34-4 Address Printer one year defective parts.